The Cittaslow Philosophy

The Movement of cittaslow was born in 1999 through the Paolo Saturnini’s brilliant intuition , past Mayor of Greve in Chianti, a little town of Tuscany.

The new idea of considering the town itself and thinking of a different way of development, based on the improving of life quality , moved him to spread his thoughts all over our country. Fastly his ideals were endorsed by Mayors of towns of Bra ( Francesco Guida) , Orvieto ( Stefano Cimicchi) and Positano ( Domenico Marrone )as well as they met later the president of slow food Carlo Petrini’s support. The main goal of cittaslow , was and still is today, to enlarge the philosophy of Slow Food to local communities and to government of towns, applying the concepts of ecogastronomy at practice of everyday life.